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Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da Lyrics In Urdu Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da نی مینوں لگڑا عشق اول دا  with Lyrics and Video in punjabi got fame with voice of famous sami kanwal on Fsee production.Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da نی مینوں لگڑا عشق اول دا Kalam in punjabi can be listened, read and share to others. Lyrics of Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da نی مینوں لگڑا عشق اول دا are also available on FseeProduction.com and many other sufi kalam & naats with lyrics are also available here

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Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da Lyrics In Urdu

Kalam Name Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da
SingerSami Kanwal
WriterBaba Bulleh Shah
ProducerFaisal Ashraf Ch
CompositionFsee Production
LABELFsee Production
Released Date January 27,2023 On Youtube

Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da Lyrics In Urdu

نی مینوں لگڑا عشق اول دا

وچ کڑاہی تل تل پاوے

اول دا روز ازل دا

تلیاں نوں چا تلدا

مویاں نوں ایہ ول ول مارے

کیا جاناں کوئی چنگ ککھی اے

ولیاں نوں چا ولدا

نت سول کلیجے سل دا

بلھا شوہ دا نیوں انوکھا

مینوں لگڑا عشق اولڑا

اوہ نہیں رلایاں رلدا

اول دا روز ازل دا

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Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da Lyrics PDF Download

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Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da Lyrics In Urdu

Who wrote the Kalam of “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”?

Peer Nasser written the kalam Lyrics of “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”.

Who is the singer of “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”?

Sami Kanwal is the singer of “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”

Who Campany Release Kalam “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”?

Fsee Production is release “Baba Bulleh Shah Ni Menu Lagra Ishq Awal Da”